Friday, September 21, 2007

Talcum powder

This incident happened last week on air
Yasmin Yusof, a DJ on Radio 4 asked listeners on her radio program to call to answer trivia questions.
The first caller to give the correct answer would get a prize from the sponsor.
She asked: 'Can anyone out there tell me the household name of Sodium Chloride'
A caller who is a housewife called up eager to answer the question. Not knowing the answer to the question, she asked Yasmin for a clue. 'Something you put on your husbands eggs in the morning.' she said. The lady confidently said : 'Talcum powder'.
Yasmin Yusof did not return to the air until after a few songs!

1 comment:

james brownn said...

You know your projects stand out of the herd. is something special about them. It seems to me all of them are really brilliant!
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